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A Recent Archaeological Discovery - Khao Klang Nok

Thailand with her vast amount of land, long history and rich cultural heritage has always provided tourists with destinations of discoveries and adventures. It is thus not surprising to believe there may be many more "Jewels" laying silently within her soil waiting to be uncovered.

The Tourist Authority of Thailand has been promoting the country tourism with the famous and rightful phrase of "Amazing Thailand" to foreigners hoping they would come explore this beautiful country, where even the locals Thais are echoing this phrase when visiting their own national attractions.

This phrase cannot be more true when in 2008, an archeological discovery of the Khao Klang Nok monument in Sri Thep disctrict, in the northern province of Petchabun, revealing an artifact more then 2000 years old, even amazed their own people all across their country!

Known previously as Khao Nok or the "Outer Mountain" to the locals, many residents had lived their lives there rearing cattles bring it to Khao Nok to feed on the greenery, not knowing they are standing right over a potentiantial world heritage treasure!

In 2008 upon discovering the site, the Department of Fine Arts excavations and archaeological studies reveaingl the awesome monument that had nestled underneath for thousands of years!

Revealing the "ancient stupas", the integrity of the monument with it disticnt acient Indian architectural influence never before seen in Thailand, everyone was astonished at this exotic archeology discovery.

The base of main stupa is of 64 sq. metres with a heigth of around 20 metres. Archaeological studies suggests that this is likely a Dvaravati Buddhist monastery dating back to 8th - 9th century A.D.!

With this discovery, the authroity has now officially renamed this place from Khao Nok to Khao Klang Nok or "The Outer Mountain of Treasure".

With it being the largest stupa found in Thailand, many have also nick named it "The Great Pyramid of Thailand".

Opened in 2012 for public visitations and tourism, as of today, excavations around the monument is still on going, revealing signs and artifacts that more awaits our curiosity of what this site will turn out to be when all excavations and preservations works has been completed!

I will surely revisit this attraction again when more is revealed of the wonders that lays beneath this origianlly plain simple mountain known as Khao Nok just alittle more than a decade ago! No doubt this will surely be another UNESCO Heritage site in due tiime!

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After 2 decades of being a time-broke employee, unable to spend all the time I want with my loved ones, I embarked on new journey that transformed the lives of my family. 

Since 2016, I am now spending time always with my loved ones. Together creating unforgettable memories, all around the world.


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